Space Clearing is Modern Day Alchemy

Space Clearing is Modern Day Alchemy


What is Space Clearing?

Everything consists of energy, and our homes and the places we spend most of our time have a direct  influence on us. Have you ever walked into a room and sensed tension, anger, or stress?

You are experiencing a residual energy that can linger in a room long after an argument has ended. Sometimes energy in a home or office can become stagnant and dull. When this is the case, you may feel tired and listless, or become agitated and angry.

 The energy of your space, has a huge impact on your mood, happiness, and health. Space clearing is like an energetic "deep clean" that elevates the vibration of your environment and infuses your space with vibrant chi - energy.

 Whether it's an in-person session if you live in London, or a remote Space Clearing, the goal is to create a more elevated energy in your space in order to attract the changes you want to manifest in your life. 


  • manifest your desires through intention

  • clear stagnant & stuck energy

  • invite in new, fresh energy & blessings

  • clear density & energetic blocks

  • increased energy & inspiration

  • clear stress, worry, & fear

  • better health and restful sleep

  • a peaceful, calm & comforting home

  • clear old relationships, arguments, & residual energy

  • manifest abundance and prosperity

  • kick start new projects, fresh attitudes, & new outlooks

  • manifest a successful sale of a property

  • a home filled with love and uplifting energy.

Intuitive Healing Session

Intuitive Healing Session

These healing sessions are personalised to cater to your individual requirements, intuitively combining different healing modalities and drawing wisdom from decades of personal inner work and devotional spiritual practices. 

During this session, our primary goal is to help clear and restore balance to your energy field, while harmonising the flow of energy throughout your body. We delve into the underlying causes of traumas, blockages, and issues that are impacting you in the present and are ready to be released. We create new tools to re-wire your neural pathways and develop qualities within you to give you a clearer and healthier perspective on your self and your behaviour patterns.

My work is always supported and guided by the divine, my approach is holistic, addressing your healing journey across the subtle energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of your being.

This transformative process, will help you gain profound clarity and realign with your highest self, paving the way for personal growth and spiritual elevation.

Intuitive Healing Session Expectations

In an intuitive healing session, you are likely to receive:

  • Aura and chakra clearing

  • Cord cutting

  • Bespoke healing

  • Intuitive guidance

Akashic Records Clearing

The Akashic Record

is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. It contains every thought, emotion and experience that has ever happened to every soul that ever existed. Its a non physical vibrational library existing out of space and time. in the Akashic records you can tap into past, present and future possibilities.

What to expect

By entering this realm, I can guide your Higher Self and Akashic Masters to clear your records of specific blocks and energy structures that are no longer beneficial. Some of these obstacles may trace back to past lifetimes and could be hindering your present life.

You have the option of a general clearing, that covers a very comprehensive list relating to almost every part of your soul and its intentions.

Otherwise we can focus on addressing particular obstacles that might be impacting your health, prosperity, or relationships.

It is important to have a clear understanding of what kind of changes you intend to experience, that way you can also ask your Higher Self and the Akashic Masters to help you release what is not serving you anymore.

This may involve letting go of fears, anxiety, and old patterns, whether recognized or not. We can also work on unblocking past or ancestral issues, addressing health concerns, and moving past low-vibrational emotions.

You will also get to clear a specific Soul Contract with someone you have a challenging relationship.

Intuitive Oracle Readings


Intuitive Readings

There are moments in everyones life where we feel stuck and confused and need some help in order to move forward. During these times an oracle reading can give us clarity and take us out of our mind and into the wisdom of our heart and soul. During these sessions I help you quiet your mind for a while so we can get direct and clear answers from your higher self and your guides that love you unconditionally.

You have heard this before, but you do truly have all the answers that you seek. However when we are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and stress, we need someone to hold space for us in order to shift from the state of worry to the state of peace. Thats when the answers flow in easily and we get the answers that are meant to find us.

It’s about clearing away the inner clutter so that you can hear the messages from within and get a clearer perspective. This includes identifying the challenges that may be hindering your spiritual evolution and uncovering the hidden potentials waiting to be realised. I am here to establish a secure and open environment where we can explore and understand the dynamics shaping your life journey.

You will leave this session feeling calmer, inspired and with the tools to make decisions that can help you manifest the life of your dreams.

‘‘What you are seeking is seeking you’’