My Story

I am here to create a nurturing space for brave individuals who take their healing and transformation seriously, while offering loving encouragement, practical wisdom, and unwavering support.

My Non-Linear Journey Toward Reclaiming My Gifts and Soul's Purpose

I was fortunate to be raised in an inclusive environment, where I was allowed the freedom to explore. My father had a deep fascination with the occult and mysticism, and I would often lose myself in his library grappling with complex and enigmatic writings.

My professional life took many interesting turns and twists. From the Travel Industry, to the world of Fashion, and later to Interior Design. Throughout these diverse professional pursuits, I remained a devoted student of various energy modalities and esoteric practices. I obtained certifications in numerous energy and healing disciplines.

A few dark nights of the soul and the arrival of Covid-19 pandemic forced me out of my comfort zone and compelled me to embrace my true purpose and calling.

Genuine healing can only occur when we take ownership of our life. Life is not happening to us, we are the architects of our experiences. It is our daily choices and beliefs that shape our reality.

 Unlocking the Power of Energy Healing for Transformation
Having honed my expertise through extensive training in various energy modalities, such as Space Clearing, Clutter Clearing, Angel Work, Intuitive Soul Coaching, Psych-K, Akashic Clearings, as well as being adept at creating sacred spaces with the assistance of the Divine, I am thrilled to impart my gifts and insights to empower you in manifesting the positive transformations you seek in your life's journey.

Fun facts about me

01. My full name is Eftychia, meaning good fortune in Greek, where I spent my formative years.

02. I live with my husband and 3 daughters in London. They are all Leos and I am a Virgo.

O3. At the moment I am into Galactic Akashic readings and Galactic Astrology

04. I love watching Chinese and Korean fantasy soap operas.

05. I am a book worm and I love reading Science Fiction books.

06. I love 80’s music.

07. In my bucket list is a Gong & a visit to Hawai.